Epicuros, Youth Orientation System

Epicuros is a youth orientation system that enforces young people and their parents to build their lives based on two major dimensions: Happiness and Success. The epicurian philosophy and the 20th - 21st century philosophical views are the stepping stone of the system.

The Project is Ongoing

Epicuros is an ongoing project with a completition percentage of 40%. Needs more resources, funding and research to be concluded.

Owner: Konstantinos Tsiakalos
Developer: Konstantinos Tsiakalos & team
My Role
Project design, development, administration and scientific support

Lot's of features!

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Donec rhoncus leo at nunc congue, et iaculis diam rutrum. Maecenas a libero sit amet turpis euismod dapibus. Nam ornare euismod finibus. Nullam faucibus tempor lorem vel suscipit.