CAX4ALL, Online CAX Development

Cax4All is the only world wide On Line CAX planning tool, provided by NGC AS, a leading company in supposrting CAX - simulation projects. It can be used for a set of different domains, levels and purposes. Once you have developed your own scenario we can support you to simulate the action with the right tool, at the right time and with the right people. Just relax and test your planning, having high reliability and quality.

How it works

First select the domain based on the scenario you have deleloped and then find out the level of your entities, 2D or 3D simulation and the level of reports that will be useful to your project.

You have to develop your own database in the selected simulation model, with our help. Then just ask us to create accounts for the numbwr of users that you wish to have in your simulation. Next step, start developing the list of events and incidents that you wish to simulate based on your scenario. Last bu not least, let us know wht kind of support you wish to have!

Domains that CAX4All can be used
Military, Security, Media, CIMIC, Civil Protection, Cyber
My Role
Design the whole project, provide resources and know how, contribute to software development
Innovative Service
Support all types and levels of training via simulation

Main Feautures

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